Brugsanvisning PHILIPS LPL10UVX1

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Manual abstract: betjeningsvejledning PHILIPS LPL10UVX1

Detaljeret instruktioner er i Brugerguiden.

[. . . ] [. . . ] It is your assurance that it is manufactured or licensed by Philips using the highest-quality components and materials. Philips, #1 in automotive lighting worldwide, brings you the professional lighting tool you need. It combines Philips Original Quality, durability, and simple-to-use design. ! Important Please read this user guide carefully before using your LED inspection lamp. This guide contains important health and safety information. If you need further assistance, please dial the Philips Lighting consumer care toll-free number in your region Europe +800 7445 47 75 Or visit your local Philips Dealer For more information visit www. philips. com EN DE FR NL ES IT PT RU PL SV NO DA SU 日本 한국어 简体中文 Important health and safety information Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise Instructions de sécurité Belangrijke veiligheidsinformatie Importante: información de seguridad Informazioni importanti sulla sicurezza Instruções de segurança Инструкции по безопасности Ważne zalecenia bezpieczeństwa Viktig säkerhetsinformation Kople støpselet til en elektrisk stikkontakt Vigtige sikkerhedsoplysninger Tärkeitä turvallisuustietoja 安全性に関する重要な情報 중요 안전 정보 重要安全信息 EN DE FR NL ES IT PT RU PL SV NO DA SU 日本 한국어 简体中文 How to use the Philips LED Inspection lamp Verwendung der Philips LED-Inspektionslampe Comment utiliser la lampe baladeuse à LED Philips Gebruiksaanwijzing voor de Philips LED-inspectielamp Cómo usar la lámpara de inspección LED Philips Come usare la lampada di ispezione a LED Philips Modo de utilização da lâmpada de inspecção LED da Philips Эксплуатация светодиодного инспекционного фонаря Philips Używanie lampy inspekcyjnej LED Philips Användning av Philips inspektionslampa med LED Hvordan bruke Philips LED-inspeksjonslampe Sådan bruges Philips LED inspektionslampe Miten Philips LED-tarkastuslamppua käytetään Philips LED 点検灯のご使用方法 검사 램프의 사용 방법 如何使用飞利浦 LED检修灯 1x 100~240V 6h 100~240V 1s 2x UV-A UV-A UV EN DE FR NL ES IT PT RU PL SV NO DA SU 日本 한국어 简体中文 How to recharge the Philips LED Inspection lamp Aufladen der Philips LED-Inspektionslampe Recharger la lampe baladeuse à LED Philips Opladen van de Philips LED-inspectielamp Cómo recargar la lámpara de inspección LED Philips Come ricaricare la lampada di ispezione a LED Philips Como recarregar a lâmpada de inspecção LED da Philips Как произвести перезарядку светодиодного инспекционного фонаря Philips Ładowanie lampy inspekcyjnej LED Philips Ladda upp Philips inspektionslampa med LED Hvordan lade opp Philips LED-inspeksjonslampe Sådan oplades Philips LED inspektionslampe Miten lataat Philips LED-tarkastuslampun Philips LED 点検灯の充電方法 Philips LED 검사 램프의 충전 방법 如何对飞利浦LED检修灯进行充电 UV-A 4h 3. 5 h EN DE FR NL ES IT PT RU PL SV NO DA SU 日本 한국어 Maintenance Wartung Entretien Onderhoud Mantenimiento Manutenzione Manutenção Техническое служивание Konserwacja Underhåll Vedlikehold Vedligeholdelse Huolto メンテナンス 유지보수 简体中文 保养 0 0 Technical specifications Description 100V 240V EU Operating line voltage 100~240V Power consumption 2. 5 W Number of LED 8 LEDs type wide beam Philips Lumileds 220 lm Light output 24V 220 lumens 24V 70° Power consumption Beam angle 5W 70° 5W 6500K Color temperature 24V 6500 K 24V IK09 Impact protection rating IK09 IP66 50° Ingress protection rating IP66 Operating temperature -10° -10°C to 50°C Storage temperature -20°C to 60°C Lamp dimensions 660 g 400 g 250 x 56 x 57 mm 660 g 400 g 360° adjustable hook Product weight (with docking station) Product weight (without docking station) 360° hook Powerful magnet Integrated Working indication 4H Yes Battery runtime 4 hours 4h Charging time 4 hours Plug European plug LED Range overview Pen Professional Pen Premium LED Penlight CBL 20 CBL 30 LED Inspection lamps with cables RCH20 MDLS RCH30 LED Inspection lamps rechargeable ©2013 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V. [. . . ] [. . . ]


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