Brugsanvisning AEG-ELECTROLUX A61900HLW0

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Manual abstract: betjeningsvejledning AEG-ELECTROLUX A61900HLW0

Detaljeret instruktioner er i Brugerguiden.

[. . . ] Breng het product naar het milieustation bij u in de buurt of neem contact op met de gemeente. GA NAAR ONZE WEBSITE VOOR: - Producten - Brochures - Gebruikershandleidingen - Oplossen van problemen - Service-informatie www. aeg. com LEGENDA Waarschuwing - Belangrijke veiligheidsinformatie. Algemene informatie en tips Milieu-informatie Wijzigingen voorbehouden. NEDERLANDS 3 VOOR PERFECTE RESULTATEN Bedankt dat u voor dit AEG product heeft gekozen. Dit apparaat is ontworpen om vele jaren uitstekend te presteren, met innovatieve technologieën die het leven gemakkelijker helpen maken – functies die gewone apparaten wellicht niet hebben. Neem een paar minuten de tijd om het door te lezen zodat u er optimaal van kunt profiteren. ACCESSOIRES EN VERBRUIKSARTIKELEN In de AEG webshop vindt u alles wat u nodig heeft om al uw apparaten van AEG mooi te houden en perfect te laten functioneren. [. . . ] Turn and fix the handles for these two positions as shown in the picture. You can purchase additional baskets from your local Service Centre. 1. 2. SECURITY LOCK The freezer is equipped with a special lock in order to avoid accidental locking. The lock is designed in such manner that you can turn the key and thus close the lid only if you previously push the key into the lock. In order to close the freezer do these steps: push the key into the lock gently. turn the key clockwise towards the symbol . In order to open the freezer do these steps: 1. turn the key counter-clockwise towards the symbol . 32 www. aeg. com Spare keys are available at the local Service Centre. Make sure to remove the key from the lock before you discard the old appliance. PLASTIC LOW DIVIDER With the low divider you can have a better use of the space above the compressor. The space formed this way will allow you to store small food packs that can be found more easily. The separator may also be used as a tray at the time of defrosting the freezer. ENGLISH 33 HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS HINTS FOR FREEZING To help you make the most of the freezing process, here are some important hints: • the maximum quantity of food which can be frozen in 24 hrs. Leave the lid open to prevent unpleasant smells. If the cabinet will be kept on, ask somebody to check it once in a while to prevent the food inside from spoiling in case of a power failure. DEFROSTING THE FREEZER Defrost the freezer when the frost layer reaches a thickness of about 10-15 mm. The best time to defrost the freezer when it contains no or only a little food. Switch off the appliance. ENGLISH 35 WHAT TO DO IF… CAUTION!Before troubleshooting, disconnect the power supply. Only a qualified electrician or competent person must do the troubleshooting that is not in this manual. There are some sounds during normal use (compressor, refrigerant circulation). Problem The appliance is noisy. The compressor operates continually. Possible cause The appliance is not supported properly. Solution Check if the appliance stands stable (all the four feet should be on the floor). The temperature is not set Set a warmer temperature. Do not leave the lid open longer than necessary. Check if the lid closes well and the gaskets are undamaged and clean. Large quantities of food to Wait some hours and then be frozen were put in at check the temperature the same time. Food placed in the appliance was too warm. [. . . ] Die einzufrierenden Packungen liegen zu dicht aneinander. DEUTSCH 57 Störung Mögliche Ursache Der Deckel wurde häufig geöffnet. Der Deckel stand zu lange Zeit auf. Abhilfe Versuchen Sie, den Deckel nicht so häufig zu öffnen. Lassen Sie den Deckel nicht länger als unbedingt erforderlich offen. Stellen Sie eine höhere Temperatur ein. Es ist zu kalt im Gefrierschrank. Die Temperatur ist nicht richtig eingestellt. Das Gerät funktioDer Stecker ist nicht richtig Stecken Sie den Netzsteniert überhaupt nicht. [. . . ]


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