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[. . . ] U koos voor een product dat jaren professionele ervaring en innovatie bevat. Ingenieus en stijlvol, het werd ontworpen met u in het achterhoofd. Wanneer u het gebruikt, kunt u er op vertrouwen dat u keer op keer fantastische resultaten zult krijgen. Ga naar onze website voor: Advies over gebruik, brochures, het oplossen van problemen en onderhoudsinformatie: www. electrolux. com Registreer uw product voor een betere service: www. electrolux. com/productregistration Koop accessoires, verbruiksartikelen en originele reserveonderdelen voor uw apparaat: www. electrolux. com/shop
Wij raden altijd het gebruik van originele onderdelen aan. [. . . ] It is possible to change the time during the countdown and at the end by pressing the Temperature colder button and the Temperature warmer button.
3. 13 Child Lock function
To lock any possible operation through the buttons select the Child Lock function. Press the Mode button until the corresponding icon appears. Press the Mode button in order to select an other function or press the Mode button until you can see none of the special icons.
3. 14 High temperature alarm
An increase in the temperature in the freezer compartment (for example due to an earlier power failure) is indicated by: • flashing the alarm and freezer temperature indicators • sounding of buzzer. The freezer temperature indicator shows the highest temperature reached for a few seconds. The alarm indicator continue to flash until the normal conditions are restored. When the alarm has returned the alarm indicator goes off.
3. 12 FastFreeze mode
To switch on the function: 1. Press the Mode button until the corresponding icon appears. This function stops automatically after 52 hours. To switch off the function before its automatic end: 1. Press the Mode button in order to select an other function or press the
3. 15 Door open alarm
An acoustic alarm will sound if the door is left open for a few minutes. The door open alarm conditions are indicated by: • flashing Alarm indicator • acoustic buzzer When normal conditions are restored (door closed), the alarm will stop. Do not use detergents or abrasive powders, as these will damage the finish. Unplug the appliance before carrying out any maintenance operation. This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must therefore only be carried out by authorized technicians. • regularly check the door seals and wipe clean to ensure they are clean and free from debris. Do not pull, move or damage any pipes and/or cables inside the cabinet. Never use detergents, abrasive powders, highly perfumed cleaning products or wax polishes to clean the interior as this will damage the surface and leave a strong odour. Clean the condenser (black grill) and the compressor at the back of the appliance with a brush. This operation will improve the performance of the appliance and save electricity consumption. Take care of not to damage the cooling system. Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners contain chemicals that can attack/damage the plastics used in this appliance. For this reason it is recommended that the outer casing of this appliance is only cleaned with warm water with a little washing-up liquid added.
6. 2 Periodic cleaning
The equipment has to be cleaned regularly: • clean the inside and accessories with lukewarm water and some neutral soap.
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6. 3 Defrosting the refrigerator
Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator of the refrigerator compartment every time the motor compressor stops, during normal use. [. . . ] Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Luft an der Rückseite des Gehäuses frei zirkulieren kann. Um einwandfreien Betrieb sicherzustellen, sollte der Abstand zwischen der Oberseite des Gehäuses und dem Hängeschrank mindestens 100 mm betragen, wenn das Gerät unter einem Hängeschrank aufgestellt wurde. Allerdings sollte die Aufstellung des Geräts unter einem Hängeschrank nach Möglichkeit vermieden werden. Die ordnungsgemäße waagrechte Ausrichtung des Gerätes kann mit Hilfe eines oder mehrerer verstellbarer Füße am Sockel des Gehäuses erfolgen. [. . . ]
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