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Lastmanuals hjælper med at downloade brugerguide til AEG-ELECTROLUX EFA9750-1X
[. . . ] For at undgå unødvendige fejl og uheld er det vigtigt at sikre, at alle, der bruger apparatet, er fuldt fortrolige med dets drift og sikkerhedsfunktioner. Gem denne vejledning og sørg for, at den følger med apparatet, hvis det bliver flyttet eller solgt, så alle der bruger apparatet er fortrolige med dets betjening og sikkerhed. Følg forholdsreglerne i denne brugsanvisning for at undgå skader på personer eller ting. I modsat fald er producenten ikke ansvarlig for eventuelle skader. [. . . ] In addition, remove pieces of ice that break away before defrosting is complete.
6. After two or three hours, reload the previously removed food into the compartment. Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off frost from the evaporator as you could damage it. Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process other than those recommended by the manufacturer. A temperature rise of the frozen food packs, during defrosting, may shorten their safe storage life. Periods of non-operation When the appliance is not in use for long periods, take the following precautions: · disconnect the appliance from electricity supply · remove all food · defrost15) and clean the appliance and all accessories · leave the door/doors ajar to prevent unpleasant smells. If the cabinet will be kept on, ask somebody to check it once in a while to prevent the food inside from spoiling in case of a power failure.
4. When defrosting is completed, dry the interior thoroughly and keep the scraper for future use. Switch on the appliance.
Warning!Before troubleshooting, disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket. Only a qualified electrician or competent person must do the troubleshooting that is not in this manual.
Problem The appliance does not operate. Set a higher temperature.
Closing the door 1. Refer to "Installation".
3. If necessary, replace the defective door gaskets. Contact the Service Center.
Dimension Height Width Depth Rising Time 1400 mm 600 mm 630 mm 31 h
The technical information are situated in the rating plate on the internal left side of the appliance and in the energy label.
30 electrolux
Read the "Safety Information" carefully for your safety and correct operation of the appliance before installing the appliance. Location The appliance should be installed well away from sources of heat such as radiators, boilers, direct sunlight etc. Ensure that air can circulate freely around the back of the cabinet. To ensure best performance, if the appliance is positioned below an overhanging wall unit, the minimum distance between the top of the cabinet and the wall unit must be at least 100 mm . Ideally, however, the appliance should not be positioned below overhanging wall units. Accurate levelling is ensured by one or more adjustable feet at the base of the cabinet. If the cabinet is placed in a corner and the side with the hinges facing the wall, the distance between the wall and the cabinet must be at least 10 mm to allow the door to open enough so that the shelves can be removed. It must be possible to disconnect the appliance from the mains power supply; the plug must therefore be easily accessible after installation. [. . . ] Wechsel des Türanschlags Vor der Durchführung von Arbeiten am Gerät ist stets der Netzstecker aus der Steckdose zu ziehen. Beim Wechsel des Türanschlags ist wie folgt vorzugehen: · Die nachfolgend beschriebenen Tätigkeiten müssen mit Hilfe einer zweiten Person durchgeführt werden, um ein Herunterfallen der Türen zu vermeiden. · Die Tür bei aufrecht stehendem Gerät öffnen. Schrauben lösen und die Kunststoffverkleidung der oberen Tür entfernen. [. . . ]
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