Brugsanvisning AEG-ELECTROLUX EFC9140X

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[. . . ] Sie verhindern damit, da§ spielende Kinder sich selbst einsperren und damit in Lebensgefahr kommen. Wir bitten Sie daher, diese aufmerksam zu lesen, bevor das GerŠt in Betrieb genommen wird. CENTRI ASSISTENZA Per un sollecito intervento • importante, allÕatto della chiamata, indicare il tipo di difetto, il modello di apparecchiatura (Mod. ), il numero di prodotto (Prod. No. ), rilevati dal certificato di garanzia o dalla targhetta matricola posta allÕinterno dellÕapparecchiatura. Sicherheit ¥ Dieses GerŠt wurde hergestellt, um von Erwachsenen benutzt zu werden. Es ist unbedingt darauf zu achten, da§ Kinder es nicht anfassen oder es als Spielzeug verwenden. [. . . ] . 17 Utilisation - Conservation produits surgelŽs - DŽcongelation - Gla•ons - Accumulateur thermique . . 18 Conseils - Conseils pour la congŽlation - Conseils pour la surgŽlation . . 19 Entretien - Nettoyage - Arr•t prolongŽ - DŽgivrage . . 20 Anomalie de fonctionnement - Informations techniques . . 21 Installation - Emplacement - Entretoises postŽrieurs - Branchement Žlectrique . . 22 Installation - RŽversibilitŽ de la porte . . 24 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS If the appliance is not functioning properly, check that: ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ the plug is firmly in the wall socket and the mains power switch is on; there is an electricity supply (find out by plugging in another appliance); the thermostat knob is in the correct position. If there are water drops on the bottom of the cabinet, check that the defrost water drain opening is not obstructed (see ÒDefrostingÓ section). ¥ If your appliance is still not working properly after making the above checks, contact the nearest service centre. To obtain fast service, it is essential that when you apply for it you specify the model and serial number of your appliance which can be found on the guarantee certificate or on the rating plate located inside the appliance, on the bottom left-hand side. UTILISATION Tableau de commande TECHNICAL INFORMATION Energy Efficiency class A Net Frezer Capacity lt. Energy Consumption kWh/24h Energy Consumption kWh/year Freezing Capacity kg 158 0, 66 241 22 35 A. Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off frost from the evaporator as you could damage it. However, when the ice becomes very thick on the inner liner, complete defrosting should be carried out as follows: 1. pull out the plug from the wall socket or turn the thermostat knob to the ÇsÈ setting; 2. remove any stored food, wrap it in several layers of newspaper and put it in a cool place; 3. leave the door open, and insert the plastic scraper in the appropriate seating at the bottom centre, placing a basin underneath to collect the defrost water. when defrosting is completed, dry the interior thoroughly; keep the scraper for future use; 5. turn the thermostat knob back to the required setting or replace the plug in the power socket. After two or three hours, reload the previously removed food into the compartment. D068 CongŽlation Mettez lÕappareil en rŽgime de congŽlation rapide. Attendez 3 heures au moins avant dÕintroduire les aliments frais, si vous venez de mettre lÕappareil en marche. Si le congŽlateur fonctionne dŽjˆ en rŽgime de conservation, pour un meilleur rŽsultat de congŽlation, commutezen rŽgime de congŽlation rapide au moins 24 heures avant lÕintroduction des aliments. Ce temps peut •tre rŽduit en fonction de la quantitŽ des aliments. [. . . ] Gebruik geen metalen voorwerpen om de laatjes los te wrikken! Bewaren van diepvriesprodukten Indien u de koelkast voor het eerst in gebruik neemt of haar weer gebruikt na een periode van stilstand, dient u de snelvriesschakelaar in te schakelen. 32 29 TIPS Tips het invriezen Enkele belangrijke tips: ¥ de max. hoeveelheid levensmiddelen die u kunt invriezen in 24 uur staat aangegeven op het ÒtypeplaatjeÓ; het invriezen duurt 24 uur. Voeg gedurende deze tijd geen andere in te vriezen levensmiddelen toe; verdeel de levensmiddelen in handzame porties. [. . . ]


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