Brugsanvisning AEG-ELECTROLUX EFC9510X/CH

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Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX EFC9510X/CH

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Manual abstract: betjeningsvejledning AEG-ELECTROLUX EFC9510X/CH

Detaljeret instruktioner er i Brugerguiden.

[. . . ] Wir sind sicher, dass wird Ihr Leben zuknftig etwas leichter machen. Wir wnschen eine gute Zeit. electrolux 3 Mit dem Warndreieck und/oder durch Signalwrter (Warnung!, Vorsicht!, Achtung!) sind Hinweise hervorgehoben, die fr Ihre Sicherheit oder fr die Funktionsfhigkeit des Gertes wichtig sind. Nach diesem Zeichen erhalten Sie ergnzende Informationen zur Bedienung und praktischen Anwendung des Gertes. Mit der Blume sind Tips und Hinweise zum wirtschaftlichen und umweltschonenden Einsatz des Gertes gekennzeichnet. [. . . ] Under no circumstances should solid ice be forced off the liner. Solid ice should be allowed to thaw when defrosting the appliance. Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer as it creates pressure on the container, which may cause it to explode, resulting in damage to the appliance. Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process other than those recommended by the manufacturer. Never use metal objects for cleaning your appliance as it may get damaged. Use ?The domestic refrigerators and freezers are designed to be used specifically for the storage of edible foodstuffs only. Best performance is obtained with ambient temperature between +18C and +43C (class T); +18C and +38C (class ST); +16C and +32C (class N); +10C and +32C (class SN). The class of your appliance is shown on its rating plate. Warning: when the ambient temperature is not included within the range indicated for the class of this appliance, the following instructions must be observed: when the ambient temperature drops below the minimum level, the storage temperature in the freezer compartment cannot be guaranteed; therefore it is advisable to use the food stored as soon as possible. Installation ?During normal operation, the condenser and compressor at the back of the appliance heat up considerably. For safety reasons, minimum ventilation must be as shown in the instructions. electrolux 25 Attention: keep ventilation openings clear of obstruction. Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable. Recommended storage temperatures: - for champagne and sparkling wines, between 6 and 8C - for white wines, between 10 and 12C - for rose?and light red wines, between 12 and 16C - aged red wines, 14 -16C When placing various bottles on top of each other, make sure they do not touch the refrigerator cooling plate. Switching off Press the key (A) for more than 1 second to switch the appliance off. A temperature countdown of -3 -2 -1 will then be signalled. When the appliance is switched off, also the display (D) goes off. Acoustic alarm with door open An acoustic alarm sounds when the door remains open for about 5 minutes. Door open alarm status is indicated by: - the symbol (1) flashing; - the display lighting up red; - the buzzer sounding. To stop the acoustic alarm, press the key (E). The acoustic signal goes off - when normal conditions are restored (door closed). Temperature regulation Select the compartment by pressing the key (C) Set the temperature by turning the knob (B or F depending on the compartment to be adjusted). The correct position must in any case be determined bearing in mind that the inside temperature depends on these factors: ?The position of the appliance Button ?Light On?and light indicator In the case you want to maintain the light on with the door closed, it is sufficient to open and close the door and the light will remain ON automatically for 10 minutes. If you want to switch off the light before the automatic turn off time, open the door and push the switch button (E). [. . . ] A substituio s permitida se as lmpadas forem do mesmo tipo e com as mesmas caractersticas. As lmpadas de substituio devem ser encomendadas unicamente junto do fabricante ou de um servio de assistncia autorizado. No permitido o uso de lmpadas normais, no certificadas. Lmpadas de iluminao Para a eventual substituio da lmpada superior, retire a cobertura transparente pressionando-a para o interior com um utenslio (por ex. um canivete) para libertar os encaixes laterais traseiros. [. . . ]


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