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[. . . ] As with any tool, the Matrix may be misused if the following safety and operational precautions are not strictly followed. If they are followed, careful use of the Matrix can increase your diving enjoyment and reduce the risk of decompression sickness; if they are not followed, you will be placing yourself at serious risk for decompression sickness.
Pay special attention to warnings and cautions, which are denoted by this symbol WARNINGS are used before a procedure or situation that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTIONS are used before any situation or technique that will result in damage to the product.
The Matrix is a technically advanced tool based on a biophysical model of decompression theory. However, neither it nor any other diving computer (or table) can actually monitor the physical changes that occur in your body as you dive. [. . . ] Ascend to a depth slightly deeper than or equal to 10 feet. The amount of decompression credit time depends on the depth, with slightly less credit given the deeper you are. You must never ascend shallower than the prescribed decompression stop depth (ceiling). Doing so will put the Matrix into a Conditional Violation Mode (see page 32) and greatly increase your risk of decompression sickness. If there is heavy surge or large swells, it is difficult to stay at a chosen depth. To ensure that you do not enter a violation mode, stay slightly deeper than the required decompression stop depth until the next shallower stop depth appears. For example, if you are required to make a 20-foot (6 m) decompression stop, perform the stop at 23 or 24 feet (7 or 7. 5 m) until the computer tells you to ascend the 10-foot (3 m) stop. Then perform the 10-foot (3 m) stop at 13 or 14 feet (4 or 4. 5 m) until you clear the decompression requirement. Once you complete all the necessary decompression stops, the Matrix returns to normal Dive Mode, allowing you additional time underwater. Divers strongly recommends that you wait until the segments of the CLBG are well within the green zone before surfacing, unless a low air situation dictates that you surface. At the end of all decompression dives, spend as much time as possible at your safety stop and on the surface to reduce your compartment loading before the next dive.
The Matrix enters one of three different Violation Modes when you dive the computer beyond its normal operating limits, because continued exposure is outside the mathematical model used to calculate decompression status. Diving any deeper than 130 feet (40m) should be avoided. Special equipment and training are necessary for this type of diving. Divers strongly recommends against diving to depths below 130 ft. (40 m) or decompression diving.
Figure 12 Exceeding the Maximum Depth
After entering decompression, the prescribed decompression stop depths may move quickly through the 10, 20, 30 and 40 foot (3, 6, 9, 12 m) displays. Once you enter decompression, it is imperative that you ascend toward the required stop depth immediately. If you continue the dive at a greater depth, you increase decompression risk and may also exceed the operating limits of the computer to such an extent that the computer will cease to provide ascent information.
WARNING: If the Matrix display indicates you have entered decompression mode, do not descend further or remain at the same depth. The decompression stop obligation can increase quickly and once the exposure requires a greater than 40-foot (12 m) stop, the Matrix will enter Immediate Violation Mode, and no longer provide ascent information. This situation increases the risk of decompression sickness and must be avoided.
Decompression diving requires special training and equipment. For these reasons, sport divers should not attempt decompression diving. Making a dive that requires decompression stops should be avoided because you cannot ascend directly to the surface without risking personal harm. If equipment problems delayed your ascent, your risk of decompression sickness would increase. [. . . ] If damage is found, return the Matrix to an Authorized U. S. Do not attempt to use until the unit has received service.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt to remove the outer case back ring (figure 18, b). Doing so may cause the Matrix to malfunction, resulting in injury or death; it also voids the warranty.
Figure 18 Battery hatch
4. Run your finger around the outer edge of the top battery in a circular motion until one edge of the battery pops up. [. . . ]
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