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[. . . ] EHL9530FOK
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NL KOOKPLAAT EN HOB DE KOCHFELD
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING 2 USER MANUAL 19 BENUTZERINFORMATION 35
www. electrolux. com
1. 17
Bedankt om een Electrolux-apparaat te kopen. [. . . ] • To set the cooking zone (if more than 1 cooking zone operate ) : touch again and again until the indicator of a necessary cooking zone comes on. • To activate the CountUp Timer: touch of the timer comes on. When the indicator of the cooking zone starts to flash slow, the time counts up. The display switches between and counted time (minutes). • To see how long the cooking zone operates: set the cooking zone with . The indicator of the cooking zone starts to flash quickly. The display shows the time that the cooking zone operates.
4. 9 Lock
When the cooking zones operate, you can lock the control panel, but not . It prevents an accidental change of the heat setting. The symTo start this function touch bol comes on for 4 seconds. The heat setting that you set before comes on. When you stop the appliance, you also stop this function.
4. 10 The Child Safety Device
This function prevents an accidental operation of the appliance. To activate The Child Safety Device • Activate the appliance with . Do not set the heat settings.
• Touch for 4 seconds. To deactivate The Child Safety Device • Activate the appliance with . To override The Child Safety Device for only one cooking time • Activate the appliance with . • When you deactivate the appliance with , The Child Safety Device operates again.
for 3 seconds. The displays Touch for 3 seccome on and go out. When this function operates, you can hear the sounds only when: • you touch • the Minute Minder comes down • the Count Down Timer comes down • you put something on the control panel.
Activation of the sounds
Deactivate the appliance. The sound is on.
4. 11 OffSound Control (Deactivation and activation of the sounds) Deactivation of the sounds
Deactivate the appliance.
INDUCTION COOKING ZONES For induction cooking zones a strong electro-magnetic field creates the heat in the cookware very quickly. Cookware is correct for an induction hob if … • . . . some water boils very quickly on a zone set to the highest heat setting. . [. . . ] Die Anweisungen zum Kundendienst und die Garantiebedingungen finden Sie im Garantieheft.
8. Vor der Montage Notieren Sie vor der Montage des Geräts alle Daten, die Sie unten auf dem Typenschild finden. Das Typenschild befindet sich unten am Gerätegehäuse. • Modell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]
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