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Manual abstract: betjeningsvejledning AEG-ELECTROLUX EOB6630X ELUX EURO
Detaljeret instruktioner er i Brugerguiden.
[. . . ] Generelle oplysninger og tips Miljøoplysninger Ret til ændringer uden varsel forbeholdes
Om sikkerhed
Læs brugsanvisningen grundigt igennem, før apparatet installeres for at forebygge ulykker og sikre, at det bruges korrekt. Opbevar altid brugsanvisningen sammen med apparatet, også hvis du flytter eller sælger det. Alle, der bruger apparatet, skal være fuldstændig fortrolige med dets betjenings- og sikkerhedsfunktioner.
Sikkerhed for børn og andre udsatte personer
ADVARSEL Lad ikke personer, herunder børn, med nedsat fysisk mobilitet, nedsatte mentale evner eller manglende erfaring og viden betjene apparatet. De skal være under opsyn af en person, der har ansvaret for deres sikkerhed, eller instrueres i at bruge apparatet. [. . . ] Oplysninger om kundeservice og garantibetingelser står i garantihæftet.
Symbolet på produktet eller på pakken angiver, at dette produkt ikke må behandles som husholdningsaffald. Det skal i stedet overgives til en affaldsstation for behandling af elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr. Ved at sørge for at dette produkt bliver bortskaffet på den rette måde, hjælper du med til at forebygge eventuelle negative påvirkninger af miljøet og af personers helbred, der ellers kunne forårsages af forkert bortskaffelse af dette produkt. Kontakt det lokale kommunekontor, affaldsselskab eller den forretning, hvor produktet er købt, for yderligere oplysninger om genanvendelse af dette produkt.
Emballagematerialet er miljøvenligt og kan genanvendes Plastdelene er mærket: >PE<, >PS<, osv. Aflevér emballagens dele som husholdningsaffald på kommunens genbrugsstation.
FOR PERFECT RESULTS Thank you for choosing this AEG product. We have created it to give you impeccable performance for many years, with innovative technologies that help make life simpler features you might not find on ordinary appliances. Please spend a few minutes reading to get the very best from it.
ACCESSORIES AND CONSUMABLES In the AEG webshop, you'll find everything you need to keep all your AEG appliances looking spotless and working perfectly. Along with a wide range of accessories designed and built to the high quality standards you would expect, from specialist cookware to cutlery baskets, from bottle holders to delicate laundry bags. . .
Visit the webshop at: www. aeg-electrolux. com/shop
16 17 19 20 23 24 24 25 Safety information Installation instructions Product description Operating instructions Helpful hints and tips Care and cleaning What to do if. . . Environment concerns
The following symbols are used in this user manual: Important information concerning your personal safety and information on how to avoid damaging the appliance. General information and tips Environmental information Subject to change without notice
Safety information
For your safety and correct operation of the appliance, read this manual carefully before the installation and use. Always keep these instructions with the appliance also if you move or sell it. If it is necessary, speak to the supplier. Only an authorised servicing technician can install, connect or repair this appliance. Only use the built-in appliances after you assemble the appliance into correct built-in units and work surfaces that align to the standards. Do not change the specifications or change this product. Risk of injury and damage to the appliance. Fully obey the laws, ordinances, directives and standards in force in the country where you use the appliance (safety regulations, recycling regulations, electrical safety rules etc. )!Keep the minimum distances to other appliances and units!Install shock protection, for example install the drawers only with a protective floor directly below the appliance!Keep safe the cut surfaces of the worktop from moisture with a correct sealant!Seal the appliance to the work top with no space between with a correct sealant!Keep safe the bottom of the appliance from steam and moisture, e. g. [. . . ] Remove the object from the sensor fields.
A Sound operates and the appliance deactivates. A sound operates when the appliance is deactivated. The appliance deactivates.
You put something on the field.
. Remove object from the sensor
Environment concerns
Problem Possible cause and remedy
The residual heat indicator does The cooking zone is not hot because it operated only for a short not comes on. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals tilbyder en socialt drevet service indeholdende deling, opbevaring og søgning i manualer relateret til brugen af hardware og software: brugerguides, ejermanualer, hurtigstart guides og tekniske datablade. Lastmanuals kan ikke holdes ansvarlig hvis det dokument du leder efter er utilgængeligt, ufuldstændigt, på et andet sprog end dit eller hvis modelnummer eller sprog ikke passer med beskrivelsen. Lastmanuals tilbyder blandt andet ikke oversættelser.
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