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[. . . ] Benutzerinformation User Manual Manual de instrues
Wein-Khlschrank Wine refrigerator Adega ERW 33900 X ERW 33910 X
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Willkommen bei Electrolux!
Wir mchten uns bedanken, dass Sie sich fr ein erstklassiges Produkt von Electrolux entschieden haben, welches Ihnen sicherlich viel Freude bereiten wird. Es ist unser Bestreben, eine breite Vielfalt von Qualittsprodukten anzubieten, die helfen, Ihr Leben etwas komfortabler zu machen. Sie finden einige Beispiele auf der vorletzten Seite in diesem Heft. Bitte nehmen Sie sich einige Minuten, diese Benutzerinformation zu lesen, um voll von den Vorteilen Ihres neuen Gertes profitieren zu knnen. [. . . ] Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable. Important: if the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly availa-ble from the manufacturer or its service agent. If the appliance is transported horizontally, it is possible that the oil contained in the compressor flows in the refrigerant circuit. It is advisable to wait at least two hours before connecting the appliance to allow the oil to flow back in the compressor. There are working parts in this product which heat up. Always ensure that there is adequate ventilation as a failure to do this will result in component failure and possible food loss. Parts which heat up should not be exposed. Wherever possible the back of the product should be against a wall.
Environment Protection
This appliance does not contain gasses which could damage the ozone layer, in either its refrigerant circuit or insulation materials. The appliance shall not be discarded together with the urban refuse and rubbish. Avoid damaging the cooling unit, especially at the rear near the heat exchanger. Information on your local disposal sites may be obtained from municipal authorities. The materials used on this appliance marked by the symbol are recyclable.
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USE Cleaning the interior
Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the interior and all internal accessories with luke-warm water and some neutral soap so as to remove the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry thoroughly. Do not use detergents or abrasive powders, as these will damage the finish.
Control panel
A - Appliance On/Off key B - Bottom compartment temperature adjustment knob C - Compartment selection key D - Temperature display
E - Door open alarm reset and light switching on key (symbols if provided for) F - Top compartment temperature adjustment knob
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1. 3.
Selected compartment indicator Positive temperature indicator Temperature indicator
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After inserting the plug in the socket, if the display is not lit press the appliance On key (A).
Wine arrangement
Top Compartment: the temperature can be adjusted between +6 and + 11C. This compartment is ideal for wines, especially new reds and whites, to be consumed immediately. Bottom Compartment:
Top compartment
the temperature can be adjusted between + 12 and + 18C. This compartment is ideal for storing and refining red or white wines for long periods. The temperatures of this compartment are suitable for storing aged and fullbodied wines. Lay the bottles down in such a way that the corks do not dry. The oven door is in anti-UV darkened double glass to protect the wine from the light in case the refrigerator is located in a well-lit place.
Bottom compartment
The wine refrigerator is divided into two compartments with differentiated temperatures.
Avoid switching the appliance light on too often or for too long. Handle the bottles with care, to avoid agitating the wine. Follow the recommendations and advice received at the time of purchase or given in the technical documentation regarding the quality, duration and optimum storage temperature of the wine.
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Storage advice
The storage time for wine depends on ageing, the type of grapes, alcoholic content and level of fructose and tannin contained in it. [. . . ] Ao mesmo tempo, liberte o gancho central e retire a tampa respeitando o sentido das setas. Para uma eventual substituio da lmpada inferior, retire a cobertura transparente pressionando o encaixe dianteiro com um utenslio (por ex. um canivete) e puxando-a ao mesmo tempo no sentido da seta.
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Capacidade lquida em litros do frigorfico Consumo energtico en kWh/24h Consumo energtico en kWh/ano Dimenses em mm Altura Largura Profundidade 1780 560 550 325 0, 699 255
Os dados tcnicos so indicados na placa de matrcula que se encontra no lado esquerdo interno do apareho.
Se o aparelho no funcionar verifique: ?Se a ficha est bem introduzida na tomada e se h corrente na rede. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals tilbyder en socialt drevet service indeholdende deling, opbevaring og søgning i manualer relateret til brugen af hardware og software: brugerguides, ejermanualer, hurtigstart guides og tekniske datablade. Lastmanuals kan ikke holdes ansvarlig hvis det dokument du leder efter er utilgængeligt, ufuldstændigt, på et andet sprog end dit eller hvis modelnummer eller sprog ikke passer med beskrivelsen. Lastmanuals tilbyder blandt andet ikke oversættelser.
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