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[. . . ] To determine if the printer is receiving a strong signal from the access point, print a network setup page. [. . . ] the Quality field indicates the relative strength of the wireless signal the printer is receiving. Drops in signal strength can be intermittent, however, and although the signal quality appears high, it may drop during certain conditions. If you think signal strength is a problem between your access point and the printer, try one or more of the following: Notes: The signal strength listed on the printer network setup page indicates how strongly a transmitted signal is being received. To avoid signal absorption, avoid placing the following items between your access point and your printer: Place your access point as high in the room as possible to avoid signal absorption. Ad hoc mode ad hoc network AutoIP address A setting for a wireless device that lets it communicate directly with other wireless devices without an access point or router A wireless network that does not use an access point An IP address automatically assigned by a network device. Wireless setup information needed for 4 wireless signal strength 20 wireless signal absorption 20 wireless troubleshooting changing wireless settings after installation (Mac) 5 changing wireless settings after installation (Windows) 5 printer cannot connect to wireless network 9 Wi-Fi indicator light is blinking orange 12, 13 Wi-Fi indicator light is not lit 11 Wi-Fi indicator light is still orange 14 Wi-Fi indicator description of colors 5 interpreting colors 5 light is not lit 11 Wi-Fi indicator light is blinking orange 12, 13 Wi-Fi indicator light is green printer does not print 11 Wi-Fi indicator light is still orange 14 [. . . ] Ad hoc mode ad hoc network AutoIP address A setting for a wireless device that lets it communicate directly with other wireless devices without an access point or router A wireless network that does not use an access point An IP address automatically assigned by a network device. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals tilbyder en socialt drevet service indeholdende deling, opbevaring og søgning i manualer relateret til brugen af hardware og software: brugerguides, ejermanualer, hurtigstart guides og tekniske datablade. Lastmanuals kan ikke holdes ansvarlig hvis det dokument du leder efter er utilgængeligt, ufuldstændigt, på et andet sprog end dit eller hvis modelnummer eller sprog ikke passer med beskrivelsen. Lastmanuals tilbyder blandt andet ikke oversættelser.
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