Brugsanvisning NIKON COOLPIX 3700 BROCHURE

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Manual abstract: betjeningsvejledning NIKON COOLPIX 3700BROCHURE

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[. . . ] Nikon COOLPIX 3700 specifications Type: Effective pixels: CCD: Image modes: Lens: LCD monitor: Storage media: AF-assist illuminator: Shooting modes: Digital camera E3700 3. 2 million 1/2. 7-in. (3. 34 million total pixels) High (2, 048 x 1, 536), Normal (2, 048 x 1, 536), Normal (1, 600 x 1, 200), PC Screen (1, 024 x 768), TV Screen (640 x 480) 3x Zoom-Nikkor; f=5. 4-16. 2mm (35mm format equivalent to 35-105mm ); Digital zoom up to 4x 1. 5-in; 134, 000-dot highly transmissive advanced TFT-LCD with brightness adjustment SD memory card (Not compatible with MultiMediaCard) Automatically fires in dim light conditions Auto; Scene modes (Portrait, Party, Night portrait , Beach/Snow, Landscape, Sunset, Museum, Fireworks show, Close up, Copy, Back light, Panorama assist, Sports, Dusk/Dawn, Night landscape); Manual, Date imprint, Best Shot Selector, and Image sharpening; Self-timer ( 3 sec. , 10 sec. , Voice activated shutter release); Voice memo, Voice recording Single, Continuous H(2. 5fps)/L(1. 5fps), Multi-shot 16 (16 frames 1/16 in size), Interval Timer Shooting TV movie (640) at 30fps or 15fps, Small movie (320) at 30fps or 15fps, Smaller movie (160 ) at 15fps, B/W movie, Sepia movie, Time-lapse movie (640) at 30fps (w/16MB SD memory card): High(2, 048*): approx. 17 (w/ 16MB SD memory card): TV movie (640*): approx. [. . . ] Images shown on LCDs and monitors in this brochure are simulated. Specifications and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. ©2003 NIKON CORPORATION WARNING TO ENSURE CORRECT USAGE, READ MANUALS CAREFULLY BEFORE U 3. 2 Effective Megapixels 3x Optical Zoom-Nikkor Lens Sharp, Smooth TV-Size Movies Fuji Bldg. , 2-3, Marunouchi 3-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8331, JAPAN www. nikon-image. com/eng/ Printed in Japan Code No. 6CE41380 (0308A) Ad En www. nikon-coolpix. com Looks Sharp Shoots Smart A stylish new statement from Nikon Brings new expression to digital photography In a handy size you will want to carry everywhere Your new eye on the world Innovative function and design In an ultra-compact aluminium body And infused with reliable Nikon quality The true quality of the 3x optical Zoom-Nikkor lens reveals itself once you experience its sharp, clear focus. So you can delight in discovering that your new eye on the world is blessed with perfect vision. A clear view on the finest things in life Extreme close-ups never looked this good. The macro function allows you to get as close as 4cm (1. 6 inches) to your subject and capture the finest details. The COOLPIX 3700 invites you to explore the exciting world of macro photography. A mode for every mood Fifteen scene modes help you capture the moment as you envision it. Simply select the mode that matches the scene and snap the shutter. It's the quick and easy way to achieve spectacular results. Courtesy of AMIUM Back light Museum Party Landscape Portrait Night landscape Perfect vision and perfect results A high-resolution CCD, new image-processing engine and other advanced Nikon technologies assure vivid colors and image clarity. Create images that make you proud, whether sharing them with friends or printing them at your leisure. Point and shoot simplicity The COOLPIX 3700 is ready to shoot immediately after you turn it on. Its precision multi-area autofocus locks onto your subject in no time. The shutter is fast, and is ready for the next shot in a blink. All so you can enjoy shooting when you please and as you please. And whole new worlds at your fingertips Ergonomic design, simple operation And a high-definition 1. 5-inch LCD monitor Put you in full control of your world Time can be on your side Interval Timer Shooting opens up a whole new world of possibilities with time-lapse photography on the COOLPIX 3700. Speed up nature to experience a spectacular sunset in seconds, or capture the excitement of a party in a fun and frenzied movie clip. Direct your own TV-size movies Create your own movies with true TV resolution (640 x 480 pixels). Film at a smooth 30 frames per second complete with sound thanks to a new CCD that ensures maximum image quality and shar pness. [. . . ] Additional features include date imprinting, slideshow playback options, and support for direct printing. Easy-To-Use Nikon View Software Nikon View is a simple and versatile application that lets you easily transfer your photos from camera to computer, edit them, and email or print them in a variety of layouts and sizes. It can even remove red-eyes, all at the touch of a button. [. . . ]


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